'We demand developers pay for road damage in Rainham' says Lib Dem campaigner

There are many dangerous potholes across Medway. However, one that is truly worrying is the depression in Berengrave Lane in Rainham at the junction with the new houses at Queen Court Road. Not only is it a danger to motorists, but it is above the main sewer line that runs along the centre of the road. If this is not repaired soon, then there is a risk that the sewer below could be damaged, causing a huge amount of disruption to Rainham residents.
This depression was not there before the developer of the new houses connected their sewers to the main sewer line, potentially meaning their reinstatement works were of a substandard. And with their heavy lorries turning into the road, it's clear that the developer could have some responsibility for the damage caused to the road. This is a really important issue now that they have put forward plans to almost double the number of houses to the estate in a recent housing application.
After months of reports and complaints by residents to Medway council, the damaged to the road is still there. That is why the Medway Liberal Democrats have setup a petition that calls on Medway council to immediately repair the depression and protect the sewer beneath, whilst also seeking recompense from the developer for the expense of the repair.
Stuart Bourne, Lib Dem spokesperson for Rainham said 'It is outrageous that Medway council haven't done anything about this danger to motorists and our sewer system in Rainham. And the fact that this was potentially caused by uncaring developers, doing substandard work, is even more shocking. I urge everyone to sign our petition and show that developers have a duty to repair the damage they cause when they put up all these houses.'
This is symbolic of Medway council's unwillingness to hold developers across Medway to account for the damage and disruption they cause. It seems they would rather keep developers happy than its residents.
You can sign the petition at the following address: http://medwaylibdems.org.uk/RepairBerengraveLane