Medway Liberal Democrats write to all three local MPs to oppose the cut to the Winter Fuel Payment which could impact 43,691 local pensioners

Local Liberal Democrats call on the government to “rethink” the cut so that local vulnerable pensioners continue to get the support they need.
New analysis shows an estimated 43,691 pensioners in Medway risk losing the £300 payment, which helps with heating bills in the cold winter months.
This is the estimated number of pensioners - from the Government's own figures - for all three constituencies who don't receive pension credit, and so will lose the winter fuel allowance under the government’s plans unless they receive other benefits.
Across the country, pensioners are set to lose their winter fuel payment under the government’s plans, including two million people that the charity Age UK has said will struggle to afford their energy bills as a result. Pensioners are expected to take a £670 hit this winter due to the rise in the energy price cap, the end to the Pensioner Cost of Living Payment, and the government's cuts to the winter fuel allowance coming into effect.
Medway Liberal Democrats have written to our MPs to express our concerns that local poorer and more vulnerable pensioners will be forced to choose between eating and heating this winter.
Alan Wells, Liberal Democrat spokesperson said: “Countless pensioners across Medway are worried about losing this vital support and how they will afford their energy bills this winter.
Stripping support from many of the poorest pensioners in Medway just when energy bills are set to rise again is simply wrong and could cause immense financial hardship in our area.”
Notes to Editors:
Under the government’s changes only those pensioners who receive pension credit or other means-tested benefits will still get the £300 winter fuel allowance towards the cost of their energy bills.
A breakdown of the number of pensioners not receiving pension credit by constituency, compiled by the House of Commons Library, is available here (source: DWP Stat-xplore)
Age UK research has estimated that two million pensioners will struggle to pay their energy bills due to this cut.